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Pirate Group Inc. fonds

  • RC0272
  • Archief
  • 1981-2005

The first accrual consists of six series:
Series 1 – Case Files
Series 2 – Additional Case Files
Series 3 – Production Log Books
Series 4 – Additional Audio-Visual Material
Series 5 – Terry O’Reilly’s Files
Series 6 – Press, Promotional Material, and Awards

Series 1 is particularly significant, containing 12,000 case files documenting the creation of approximately 50,000 thirty-second radio and television commercials produced by Pirate Group Inc. (Toronto office) and its predecessor companies: O’Reilly Radio Inc., Robert Armes Inc., Shurman Armes Crawford, and The Air Company, from 1981 to 2005. These files document the entire production process from the initial phase through to the finished product, though some files are more complete than others. The material found in the file may include: concept presentations; casting sessions and auditions; ACTRA contracts and other actor contracts; script progression and revision; briefing documents; final recording-day scripts with directors notes; recording session schedules; music demos, final tracks, sheet music and lyrics; production edits; final audio mixes, element breakdown of the recording (voices, sound effects, music); final radio and TV commercials; budget estimates, quotations and final billing; etc.

Pirate Group Inc.

Sports and Recreation collection

  • RC0303
  • Collectie
  • 1879-1993

There have been four accruals. The collection consists of amateur and professional sports as well as recreational sports from Canada and the United States. It includes photographs, posters, pamphlets and leaflets, programs, calendars, a scrapbook and an engraving, cards and other items.

Allan Burgess Dove fonds

  • RC0333
  • Archief
  • 1943-1945

The fonds, which relates to Dove’s activities during World War II as Lieutenant Colonel of the Royal Engineers, consists of mine detection reports, technical drawings, photographs, inventory of machinery, and correspondence concerning war risks insurance.

Dove, Allan B.

Chromium Mining and Smelting Corporation Ltd. collection

  • RC0389
  • Collectie
  • 1934-1943

The collection mainly concerns the formation of an Employees’ Collective Bargaining Committee for the workers in Sault Ste. Marie in December 1941 and the negotiations which followed, culminating in a contract in July1943. The collection contains correspondence, labour legislation documents, draft agreements and other materials, and the completed contract. Correspondents include: Leo H. Timmins; Norman W. Bryne, Secretary; R.O. Denman, Vice-President, Managing Director and Treasurer; officials at the Department of Labour; and others. The collection also contains a Progress Report issued in 1934; a Balance Sheet and Notice of Annual Meeting in 1938; and two undated typescripts written during Word War II. One typescript concerns the development of the company in Sault Ste. Marie. The other is not specifically company related and concerns the struggle of tyranny against democracy.

Chromium Mining and Smelting Corporation Ltd.

Repertory theatre collection

  • RC0400
  • Collectie
  • 1923-1927

The collection consists of three small scrapbooks, each titled “Milestones”. The collector wrote a table of contents in the front of each scrapbook, listing the dates of performance, the title of the play and the theatre where the performance took place. There is one letter from Fred Jacob to Mrs. Doolittle dated 14 Feb. 1924.

Jacob was the musical and dramatic critic for the Toronto Mail and Empire. He was also a playwright – his plays were collected and published as One Third of the Bill in1925. He died in 1928 at the age of 46 – his obituary in Saturday Night (43, 9 June, p. 6) was written by Hector Charlesworth. His letter concerns Mrs. Doolittle’s performance in Jacob’s play, “Autumn Blooming” performed by the Arts and Letter Club Players. Mrs. Doolittle may be Anne Carew, an English actress who settled in Toronto.

She appears in every play in this collection. This may be her collection or more likely, someone collected it for her. The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings and tear-sheets from Saturday Night (mainly reviews), programmes, ticket stubs, autographs and photographs. Most of the items have been pasted into the scrapbooks but some remain loose. There is one photograph postcard of a troupe on stage with “Merry Makers” written on a drum in their midst.

An article on Vaughan Glaser and his career has been printed off the web by archival staff and is located with the collection.

Ralph Ellis fonds

  • RC0411
  • Archief
  • [195-]-[197-]

The fonds consists of two scrapbooks which contain mainly news clippings outlining Ellis' many activities. See also the National Committee for Independent Canadian Unions fonds for further biographical information on Ellis as well as some correspondence.

Ellis, Ralph

Julian Gould fonds

  • RC0467
  • Archief
  • 1865-1932

The fonds consists of 24 letters from Gould to his parents, 1915-1917, fifteen pencil sketches of scenes behind the British lines and a self-portrait, drawings and watercolours of landscapes (including juvenilia), Parisian architecture (1910), and nature studies, b&w photographs, news clippings, maps, letters of condolence, letters about the book Memorial and a letter concerning the Arras memorial in 1932, mostly bound in an album. There are annotations throughout by Frederick J. Gould. There are also a memorial card and letter of condolence with regard to Gould's sister who died at age six in 1893 and a photograph of St. George's Chapel Choir, Windsor, in 1865 (Frederick J. Gould was a member). A photocopy of a Memorial Notice of Julian Gould was acquired in November 2007.

Gould, Julian

John Hays fonds

  • RC0473
  • Archief
  • 1915-1919

The fonds consists of a portrait of Hays mounted in a memorial plaque with a poem which is written from the point-of-view of his parents. Three medals are also included: the 1914-1915 Star, the British War medal, 1914-1918, and the Victory medal, 1914-1919.

Hays, John

Wilson Thomson fonds

  • RC0475
  • Archief
  • [1948]-[1970]

The fonds consists of his artwork, along with a few amateur pieces done for school by other family members, Heather and Kathryn Thomson. Kathryn was living in Sharon, Ont. at the time she created her piece. One of Heather’s was done in 1970. Thomson’s work for the Blue Book was done in 1948. It includes illustrations for “The Last Outpost” (Oct. 1948), “McQuillan Lends a Hand”, “That’ll Be the Day McQuillan”, “Scandal in Eden” (June 1948), and “Lords of the Forest and Lakes” (Nov. 1948). The McQuillan stories could not be dated, although four stories about this character with different titles appeared from 1948 to 1950. His work is in varied media including: pencil, ink, water-colour, pastel and conté pencils, and includes portraits as well as landscapes. There is one pencil sketch for an advertisement, showing a housewife on the phone and a man painting. The fonds includes finished works as well as sketches. Some of the works have been signed; others have not. One is dated 1961. Much of it was not done for Blue Book. There is a poster probably done for his children to sell apple cider. Because material arrives in disarray from Morris Norman, there is a possibility that some of these works are not by Thomson.

Thomson, Wilson

Hutcheson family fonds

  • RC0476
  • Archief
  • 1939-1945

The fonds consists of: five Canadian military medals in original boxes with ribbons, including the Atlantic Star, War Medal 1939-1945, the Defence Medal, the 1939-1945 Star, and Canadian Volunteer Service Medal; 15 other medals and pins (the Atlantic Star, the 1939-1945 Star (2), two War Medals 1939-45, two 1939-1945 Canada Voluntary, RAF wings, two inscribed white cross pins, the France and Germany Star, the Italy Star, the Defence Medal, maple leaf, and Navy bracelet (inscribed R. Bazett Hutcheson); Royal Canadian Navy black double breasted “Undress Coat” with eight gilt buttons, with rank insignia of Lieutenant Commander; 45audio disc (vinyl), 78 rpm, being “a message to some nice people” by Eric [Harry Hutcheson]”, 9-6-42 [9 June 1942]; framed b&w photograph of Sub-Lieutenant R. B. Hutcheson, R.C.N.V.R., July 1941, by Chimo of Halifax, Nova Scotia; two framed pencil drawings of Eric Harry Hutcheson by Debenham Gould, Bournemouth.

Hutcheson family

Otto and Ada Hartmann fonds

  • RC0489
  • Archief
  • 1915-1917

The fonds consists of 26 letters, dated between March and October 1915 and five postal receipts. It has been arranged in chronological order, the letters in folders numbered 1-26 and the receipts in a separate folder. Four of the letters were sent by Ada Hartmann to her husband, the remainder being sent by Otto to her. His letters reflect various experiences in the war, with many references to his company's movements and activities, to the transportation and work duties of the prisoners, and to the ranks, salaries, uniforms and weapons of the Prussian Army. He also touched on non-military topics, including singing, cigars, and other social matters. Among the people named in his letters were: battalion commander Major [Flienitz?]; Oberstleutnant Kuntzel; Vizefeldwebel Vick; Victor Ansaux, a prisoner at Münster; and the family of Paul Voss. Most often comprising only one folded page, his letters were sent by Feldpost, the postal service of the German Army. The letters from Ada, which were typically longer, often concerned various household purchases, payments into the Militärdienst-Versicherung (military service insurance – see receipts below), and such events as a trip with the children to Hagenbeck Zoo. Both wrote in the Spitzschrift or Kurrentschrift form of handwriting typical of the day, though Ada's writing was more flourished and regular than Otto's. Due to water damage and poor paper quality, the letters and envelopes are extremely brittle and are in places very difficult or impossible to decipher.
Note: Although encapsulated, the letters are still extremely fragile and easily damaged. Researchers are asked to use the photocopies provided wherever possible to avoid further damage.

The five Posteinlieferungsscheinen [postal receipts], are postmarked in Minden and presumably obtained by Ada Hartmann. Each consists of a printed form filled out in ink. Three blue-green receipts were issued for small deposits made in 1916 and 1917 to an account with the Deutsche Militärdienst-Versicherung of the Hanover branch of Berlinische Lebens-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft (Berlin Life Insurance Company). The remaining two receipts were issued for larger amounts sent by postal order in the same period to Gotthard Luch in Homberg an der Ohm, Oberhessen (Upper Hesse).

Hartmann, Otto

Nancy B. Kennedy-Reid fonds

  • RC0492
  • Archief
  • 1940-1971

The fonds consists of three scrapbooks containing among other things: mimeographs of daily orders, and nominal rolls; photographs, including wounded soldiers after the Dieppe raid, hospitals, British countryside scenes, and Italian scenes including the Amalfi coast and Rome letters and cards newsletters, newspapers, including The Maple Leaf and The Red Patch and news clippings, programs, invitations, realia, including medals, identification bracelet, and a piece of shrapnel.

Kennedy-Reid, Nancy B.

H.C. Hass photograph album

  • RC0493
  • Stuk
  • 1942-1943

The album contains photographs belonging to Flight Officer H.C. Hass, RCAF, at Air Observer School #8, Ancienne Lorette, Quebec in 1942-1943. Typically at an AOS, trainees took a 12-week course on aerial photography, reconnaissance, and air navigation, which included 60 to 70 hours of practical experience in the air. The album illustrates Norwegian trainees, New Zealand and Czech liaison officers, wings ceremonies, mess scenes, the hockey team, buildings, planes, as well as scenes in Quebec City. In addition there are photographs of the Quebec Conference in August 1943, including Winston Churchill, Mackenzie King and others; also two photographs of Princess Juliana of the Netherlands making presentations. The album measures 28 x 40 cm and contains 18 leaves with approximately 126 photographs. Most photographs are 8 x 11 cm but some are as large as 25 x 21 cm.

British Commonwealth Air Training Program

George Arnet manuscript

  • MS001
  • Stuk
  • 1732-1742

The fonds consists of a bound manuscript containing a sermon Arnet preached titled "A sermon, preach'd at Wakefield, at the visitation held there, by the Reverend Mr. Hayter, Archdeacon of York June, 30, 1732". The pages are numbered [1], 2-56. It is bound together with a letter to Philip Fruchard by Arnet, 12 July 1742, 2 p., introducing the sermon and making note of their friendship. Mr. Fruchard was a London merchant.

Arnet, George

Eighteenth Century British military manuscript collection

  • MS136
  • Collectie
  • 1761-1774

A List of the Reduced Officers of Our Land Forces and Marines Entitled to Receive Half Pay in Our Kingdom of Great Britain for the Year 1774 / By His Majesty's Command, Groonslow, Townshend, and Beauchamp. -- 5 May 1774. -- Manuscript, 50 p. -- List is addressed to Richard Rigby, Paymaster General. -- List includes names of corps, officers' names and quality; it concludes with a two-page abstract.

An Independent Company of Foot / By His Majesty's Command, Barrington, North, and James Oswald. -- [1761?]. -- Manuscript, 2 p., numbered 91 and 92. -- Per diem and yearly ranks of pay.

The Charge of the Garrison of Guadeloupe / by His Majesty's Command, Barrington, North, and James Oswald. -- [1761?]. -- Manuscript, 2 p., numbered 93 and 94. Manuscript is headed George R. -- Per diem and yearly rates of pay for various positions such as the Governor, Chaplain, Surgeon as well as military ranks at Guadeloupe, Fort Royal, Fort George, Marie Galante, and Grand Terre.

Regulation of Subsistence to Be Paid to Every Officer and Soldier on the Foregoing Establishment. -- [8 December 1761?]. -- Manuscript, 1 p., numbered 95. -- Manuscript is headed George R.

Warrant for Deducting the Subsistence to Two Men Per Company From the Captains in Case They Do not Keep Them Compleat According to This Establishment / By His Majesty's Command, Barrington, North and James Oswald. -- 8 December 1761. -- Manuscript, 1 p., numbered 96. -- Warrant is addressed to Henry Fox, Paymaster General. -- Manuscript is headed George R.

Warrant for Deducting Twelve Pence in the Pound / By His Majesty's Command, Barrington, North, and James Oswald. -- 8 December 1761. --. Manuscript, 1 p., numbered 97. Warrant is addressed to Henry Fox, Paymaster General. -- Manuscript is headed George R.

Warrant for Deducting One Day's Pay Yearly / By His Majesty's Command, Barrington, North, and James Oswald. -- 8 December 1761. -- Manuscript, 1 p., numbered 98. -- Manuscript is headed George R.

Andrew Lang manuscript

  • MS040
  • Stuk
  • c.1911

The collection consists of two manuscripts bound together in same volume. Stamped on spine:
Andrew Lang. Last Ms. The two manuscripts are described as follows:
Books and Bookmen. 14 July [1911 or 1912], 15 p. New introduction for Books and Bookmen, 1912.
Religio Loci. 8 Ap[ril 1910 or 1911], 61 p. Contribution to Votiva Tabella. St. Andrew's, 1911.

Lang, Andrew

James Slater and Frank Haviland collection

  • RC0514
  • Collectie
  • 1890-1953

The collection consists of James M. Slater's diary and bible and Frank Haviland's photographs of steel structures.

The photographs are black and white, approximately 145 x 90mm of steel structures. The majority of them are related to the Standard Steel Construction company. Many of the photos have notations on the back, most of it in short form; it is assumed the notations are related to the construction. There is one photo of a group of nine men, none of them are identified, but it is titled “Standard Steel, Port Robinson Ont.” The photo is circa 1912. There are three photographs of the Falls View Bridge when it collapsed in 1938 which were taken by John A. Cowan of Welland and sent to Haviland. A few of the older photos also bear his initials.

Slater, James

Saskatchewan railway construction collection

  • RC0521
  • Collectie

The b&w photographs depict the survey and construction of secondary rail lines in South Saskatchewan from April to July 1930. They were removed from several pages of an album with the heading “C.P.R. Survey”. Beneath this heading was a photograph of Engine 562. The photographs were taken in Coderre, Alma Lake, Fife Lake, Rockglen and surrounding area. Some of the photographs were printed in Regina. Most of the photographs have descriptive captions written on the verso in pen and pencil in seven different hands with separate numbering sequences. They include photographs of the following: tent camps, pile drivers, horses and wagons (bulldozing, grading), people (including the Chinese cook Jim, Cederic White Rodman, Eddie Sellors, George Lowry, “your son” and “me”), laying of ties and steel, a CPR construction coal shed, surveying, Lake Alma, Coderre, Fife Lake and Rockglen. The rail locations are all south of Regina. The lines that run through Coderre and Alma Lake are abandoned. Rockglen still has a working CPR line although there is an abandoned line just to the west. Fife Lake does not appear on this abandoned rail lines map.

Richard Nisbet manuscript

  • MS045
  • Stuk
  • 1786

The manuscript is titled "Richard Nisbet's Navigation Book". A bookplate bearing his coat of arms and motto (Vis Fortibus Arma) with his initials is affixed to the pastedown of the front board. A smaller binder's mark is affixed in the upper left corner of the front pastedown indicating that the manuscript was bound by T. Hookham of New Bond Street [London]. The front board bears the word "Navigation" embossed in gold. The manuscript contains 177 pages of text with extensive geometric diagrams, some of which have been coloured. A sea chart of the area around the English Channel and Bay of Biscay has been tipped in near the centre of the manuscript.

Nisbet, Richard

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