Peace and Pacifism



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Peace and Pacifism

44 Descripción archivística results for Peace and Pacifism

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Hugh Richard Lawrie Sheppard collection

  • RC0779
  • Colección
  • 1933-1937

The collection consists of 23 letters to Nancy Pearn of Curtis, Brown, a literary agency, and Sheppard's funeral order of service. For other Sheppard letters, see the Vera Brittain and George Edward Catlin fonds.

Sheppard, Hugh Richard Lawrie

Katherine Clarke fonds

  • RC0633
  • Fondo
  • [195-]-2010

Katherine Clarke has dubbed her archives “The Peace House Papers”. Digital copies of the originals and documents from 2009-10 have been placed by her into three folders: book one, “Finding Causes”, consisting of biographical information and letters to her parents between September 1963 and June 1964; book two, “Touring Cuba with 45 Canadians in the summer of 1964 … In the 5th year of La Revolución Cubana”, consisting of photographs of her time in Cuba (including photos of Fidel Castro speaking to a large crowd and playing baseball), photographs of “Harry” and other soldiers (a soldier in Castro’s army, pre-1959, i.e. before the revolution photographs), and her account (entitled “Sugar Daddy”); book three, letters to her parents between September 1964 and March 1965. Originals of most of these materials are also extant in the Clarke fonds.

Clarke, Katherine

Society of Friends (Pickering, ON) collection

  • RC0703
  • Colección
  • 1838-1839

The collection consists of seven statements of expulsion from the Yonge Street Monthly Meetings mostly held at Pickering. One of the statements makes specific reference to Elias Hicks. More than one of the statements makes reference to participation in the Rebellion of 1837 which violated the known Christian Testimony against war. There is also an extract from the Yonge Street Monthly Meeting held on 12 December 1839 and a one-leaf untitled, unsigned manuscript of religious writing.

Society of Friends (Pickering, ON)

Vietnam War Poster collection

  • RC0861
  • Colección
  • 1969

This collection consists of three posters created by artist, Mark Podwal (b. 1945), to protest the Vietnam War. Podwal is well known for his drawings in The New York Times opinion page. In addition, he is the author and illustrator of books for children as well as for adults.
The three posters are printed on heavy cream paper with original pen, brush, and ink drawings by Podwal. All three feature quotations and were created sometime between 1965-1975:

  1. “If anyone in days to come should say that we were civilized in this country, this war will be cited as proof we were barbarians.”
  2. “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men – Abraham Lincoln.”
  3. “November 15, Washington, D.C. – Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Created for or in response to the Moratorium March in 1969.

Lady Constance Malleson fonds

  • RC0279
  • Fondo
  • 1890-1975

The fonds consists of manuscripts and typescripts; correspondence (includes personal, Bertrand Russell, legal, and newspapers); theatre material; book and journals; reviews of her books; and photographs (many of them theatrical) created by and for Constance Malleson in her life as an actress and writer. The fonds also contains manuscripts, photograph albums containing watercolours by Percy French and other materials belonging to Priscilla, Lady Annesley, which document her life as a member of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy.

Malleson, Lady Constance

Bertrand Russell fonds

  • RC0096
  • Fondo
  • 1847-2000; predominant 1888-1976

The fonds consists of Russell's manuscripts, correspondence, library, periodicals, offprints, leaflets, photographs, audio discs, audio reels, audio cassettes, films, videocassettes, microfilms, news clippings, posters, some furniture, artwork (including a bust by Jacob Epstein), awards and medals. Also included are records of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, including those that relate to the International War Crimes Tribunal. The archive is supplemented by a supporting research library of books, theses about Russell, and his publications in periodicals. The fonds also contains the archives of Russell's parents, Viscount and Viscountess Amberley. The fonds has been supplemented with ongoing acquisitions of original material from a variety of sources, as well as copies of selected material held elsewhere.

Russell, Bertrand

Dora Russell fonds

  • RC0280
  • Fondo
  • 1893-198?

The fonds consists of correspondence (including many letters from Bertrand to Dora Russell), Bertrand Russell's manuscripts and typescripts, photographs, printed materials including Beacon Hill prospectuses, membership cards and programs, and a syllabus. The fonds is supplemented by books which have been catalogued as part of Russell's library and periodicals which have not been catalogued.

Russell, Dora Winifred Black

Hans Sinn fonds

  • RC0157
  • Fondo
  • 1963-1983

The first accrual consists of the administrative files of Hans Sinn and relates to his involvement in three separate projects devoted to nonviolent international peace initiatives. There is an unexplained gap of eight years, 1968 to 1976, in which there are no available records. The fonds is arranged into three series: Series 1: Sanity: Peace Oriented News and Comment; Series 2: Training Institute for Nonviolence, Grindstone Island; Series 3: Grindstone Co-operative. The first series dates from 1965-1967 and includes correspondence, mailing lists and information sheets directly related to the activities of the newspaper, Sanity: Peace Oriented News and Comment. There are several published materials, including copies of Sanity, various international peace related publications and newspaper clippings specifically devoted to the topic of resistance to the United States draft for the Vietnam War. The second series includes reports, notes, training evaluations and correspondence produced in conjunction with the operation of the Training Institute for Nonviolence on Grindstone Island, from 1963-1968; included are photographs, news clippings and circulars. This series also contains the business correspondence of Murray Thomson, a Quaker, who was Peace Education Secretary for Canadian Friends Service Committee. The original filing system of the Training Institute for Nonviolence has been retained in this series. The third series includes the administrative records, financial statements and board meeting reports of the Grindstone Co-operative, dating from 1976 to 1983. As well, there is a proposal for a 1977-78 expansion project, complete with architectural drawings, some correspondence, and a copy of the published work, Making Waves: The Grindstone Story. The second accrual consists of published materials.

Sinn, Hans

Canadian Peace Congress fonds

  • RC0168
  • Fondo
  • 1937-2001

The fonds consists of four accruals. The first accrual (47-1992) measures12.8 m, and is arranged in the following series: administration; campaigns; research files; peace groups; financial records; photographs, posters, and circulars; films, filmstrips, videocassette, and audio cassettes; Toronto Association for Peace. Arrangement is chronological in the administration series with alphabetical ordering within each year, and alphabetical for the following series with some classification ranking. In the administration series some of the material was found in complete disarray. Undated material in a particular year may not belong to that year. The second accrual (07-1995) measures .9 m, and is arranged chronologically in one series, administration. The third accrual (20-2002) measures .2 m, and is arranged in one series, administration and contains constitution and minutes, financial records, correspondence, fund raising and campaigns and publications and affiliations. The fourth accrual (32-2003) measures 15 cm and is arranged in one series, John Hanly Morgan correspondence, and includes minutes, circulars, news clippings, and photographs collected by Morgan. Morgan's original chronological arrangement has been maintained.

Canadian Peace Congress

Canadian Committee for World Refugee Year fonds

  • RC0072
  • Fondo
  • 1955-1968

The fonds consists of correspondence, organizational records, clippings, published materials, and Toronto World Refugee Year Committee material.

Canadian Committee for World Refugee Year

Canadian Youth Congress

  • RC0315
  • Fondo
  • 1934-1972

The fonds consists of administrative and financial records, correspondence, briefs, publications, photographs and newspaper clippings all relating to the CYC (1935-1942), provincial and local youth councils, and to the World Youth Congress. Included is a copy of "Brief on a National Youth Administration", from the book Canadian Youth Comes of Age (1939) by Kenneth Woodsworth, who was co-secretary of the CYC. There is, in addition, a microfilm record of several items collected by the Victoria Youth Council (1966-1972).

Canadian Youth Congress

Claire Culhane fonds

  • RC0225
  • Fondo
  • 1956-1976

Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, manuscripts of a book and articles, personal documents, news clippings and other printed materials.

Culhane, Claire

Cyrus Eaton fonds

  • RC0147
  • Colección
  • [188-?]-1977

This collection of Eaton materials was created by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation during the production of the programme, "The Prophet from Pugwash". The producer was Carol Moore Ede Myers.

Eaton, Cyrus

McMaster University Centre for Peace Studies fonds

  • RC0834
  • Fondo
  • 1984-2007

The fonds consists of recordings of prominent speakers and theorists in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies. Many, but not all, of the recordings were done at McMaster University. The topics covered are wide-ranging, and there is enormous diversity within each series. A small selection of some of the more well-represented topics includes post-secondary education in El Salvador, the arms trade, violence in Sri Lanka, the Middle East, Central America, women and violence, nuclear disarmament, trade unionism in South Africa, and human rights in Guatemala. Some of the speakers are Noam Chomsky, Chief Ovide Mercredi, Ursula Franklin, Mubarak Awad, Helen Caldicott, Ramsey Clark, Joseph Rotblat, Gwynne Dyer and Gene Sharp.

McMaster University

C. K. Ogden fonds

  • RC0060
  • Fondo
  • [ca. 1910]-[ca. 1976]

The fonds consists of seven accruals which have been combined. The first two accruals are arranged into 15 series consisting of incoming correspondence, outgoing correspondence, Cambridge Magazine correspondence and related material, Heretics correspondence and related material, Orthological Institute and Basic English Foundation correspondence and financial material, other Basic English material, manuscripts, diaries and notebooks, articles and publications relating to Ogden and Basic English, photographic and family material, publications received, notes and catalogues relating to Ogden's book and stamp collection, pictorial material and gramophone records, Cambridge Magazine issues and Psyche photocopies.

The third accrual (01-1993) consists of two letters from Siegfried Sassoon. The fourth accrual (12-1993) consists of two groups of letters relating to the Heretics Society and the Cambridge Magazine. The fifth accrual (22-1993)consists of Ogden's letters to Valerie Winslow. The sixth (05-1994) accrual consists of financial ledgers concerning the sales of Basic English publications. The seventh accrual (08-1997) consists of a post card from Ivy Litvinoff and a book. These accruals have been interfiled with the first two accruals.

Ogden, C. K. (Charles Kay)

Pacifist Pamphlets collection

  • RC0145
  • Colección
  • 1900-1994

This collection of pacifist pamphlets also contains some correspondence (carbon typescripts), mimeographed agendas and minutes, newsletters, books and other materials. The majority of the materials are British. There are also some American, Dutch, and Canadian items. Publications by the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Society of Friends form the two largest groupings in the collection.

Tools for Peace. National Office (Canada) fonds

  • RC0194
  • Fondo
  • 1983-2008

The fonds consists of one accrual of administrative records, correspondence, promotional material, newspapers and news clippings, photographic materials, audio and video cassettes and realia.

Tools for Peace, National Office (Canada)

Toronto Association for Peace

  • RC0222
  • Fondo
  • 1945-1978

There have been two accruals. The first accrual consists of some correspondence with Eva Sanderson, briefs, speeches, news letters, and other printed materials, including pamphlets by James Endicott. The second accrual consists of two series: administrative records and related organizations and partnerships.

Toronto Association for Peace

Edith Russell fonds

  • RC0275
  • Fondo
  • 1767-1978

There have been two accruals. The contents of the first accrual mainly concerns Edith's life after her marriage to Russell while the second is about Edith's life before her marriage.

Finch, Edith

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