The fonds consists of his artwork, along with a few amateur pieces done for school by other family members, Heather and Kathryn Thomson. Kathryn was living in Sharon, Ont. at the time she created her piece. One of Heather’s was done in 1970. Thomson’s work for the Blue Book was done in 1948. It includes illustrations for “The Last Outpost” (Oct. 1948), “McQuillan Lends a Hand”, “That’ll Be the Day McQuillan”, “Scandal in Eden” (June 1948), and “Lords of the Forest and Lakes” (Nov. 1948). The McQuillan stories could not be dated, although four stories about this character with different titles appeared from 1948 to 1950. His work is in varied media including: pencil, ink, water-colour, pastel and conté pencils, and includes portraits as well as landscapes. There is one pencil sketch for an advertisement, showing a housewife on the phone and a man painting. The fonds includes finished works as well as sketches. Some of the works have been signed; others have not. One is dated 1961. Much of it was not done for Blue Book. There is a poster probably done for his children to sell apple cider. Because material arrives in disarray from Morris Norman, there is a possibility that some of these works are not by Thomson.