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Archivistische beschrijving
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John Brand fonds

  • MS 069
  • Archief
  • 1800-1806

The fonds consists of Brand's correspondence with Rev. Falcon, who was serving as Cure of Cramlington in Brand's absence, as well correspondence with Nathanel Punshon, an attorney in Newcastle, and other documents concerning Cramlington. Fonds is bound in covers with "Rev. J. Brand Private Papers Mss." stamped on spine.

Brand, John

George Arnet manuscript

  • MS001
  • Stuk
  • 1732-1742

The fonds consists of a bound manuscript containing a sermon Arnet preached titled "A sermon, preach'd at Wakefield, at the visitation held there, by the Reverend Mr. Hayter, Archdeacon of York June, 30, 1732". The pages are numbered [1], 2-56. It is bound together with a letter to Philip Fruchard by Arnet, 12 July 1742, 2 p., introducing the sermon and making note of their friendship. Mr. Fruchard was a London merchant.

Arnet, George

Henri de Maillé manuscript

  • MS022
  • Stuk
  • 17--

Bound manuscript of "Traitté du peché originel" (Treatise on Original Sin) by Henri de Maillé, Marquis de Carman (73 p.). Stamped on the spine of the sleeve cover is: "Manuscrit écrit par Damoisselet" — likely a professional scribe. The quality of the text and ornamentation are exceptional, with numerous marginal references to Augustine, Seneca, Cicero and others. An additional annotation in Latin identifies the book as having at one time been part of the cathedral library at Lyon.

de Maillé, Henri

Laws of England from the reign of William III

  • MS023
  • Stuk
  • 16--

Manuscript contains regulations, laws and pleas of various types from the municipal laws of England from the reign of William III (Brevium, procepionem, placitorum, diversi generis, secundum jus municipale).

G.T. Darling manuscript

  • MS024
  • Stuk
  • 1832

Bound manuscript of Lyra juventus; or youthful poems by G.T. Darling. Manuscript also contains the following titles: "Fragments", "Translations", "Ocean Shells", "Notes". Manuscript was dated from watermark which reads: J&J Town, Turkey Mill, 1832. Two loose pages are enclosed in the book, one of which gives the author's name as T. G. Darling.

Gaspar Melchor de Tovellanos manuscript

  • MS025
  • Stuk
  • 17--

Informe dado por D. Gaspar Melchor de Tovellanos. A peticion de la Academia, encaroada por el convego, sobre la reforma, y mejor arreglo de los treatos y espectaculos de Espana [Information given by D. Gaspar Melchor de Tovellanos. A petition of the Academy Recommended by the Council for the reform and better regulations of the Theatres and Shows of Spain].

Joseph Ely manuscript

  • MS026
  • Stuk
  • 1817

The following composed and executed for amusement by Joseph Ely. Manuscript consists of six different poems, all titled "Poetical Thoughts".

Extrait des ouvrages des meilleurs auteurs français manuscript

  • MS027
  • Stuk
  • 17--

Extrait des ouvrages des meilleurs auteurs français [Extract from the works of the best French authors]. Passages from the following authors are included: François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis, Pierre Corneille, Jean de La Fontaine, Claude-Joseph Dorat, Stanislas de Boufflers, Jean-Baptiste Rousseau, Nicolas Chamfort, Jean Racine, and Voltaire.

There is an advertisement for a paper maker in Paris pasted into the front cover of the book.

The latest date in the manuscript is a work of Voltaire's from 1747, so it is assumed to have been written in the later half of the 18th Century. The identity of the copyist is unknown.

Works of Voltaire manuscript

  • MS028
  • Stuk
  • 1736

Fair copy by an unknown hand of Voltaire's poem transcribed from a manuscript in the library of Prince Eugene of Savoy. The volume contains manuscripts of: Epitre a Uranie (8 p.); Le fameux livre des trois imposteurs traduit du latin en françois; Dissertation sur Le livre des trois imposteurs (28 p.); and, Le fameux livre des trois imposteurs traduit du latin en françois. All three manuscripts are bound into one volume. There is no agreement on the authorship of Les trois imposteurs.

Catalogue of library books manuscript

  • MS031
  • Stuk
  • c.1875

This item is a ledger with printed lines and headings for the author, location, no. of volumes, size, and date of each item in a library. There are alphabetical tabs and on the cover, stamped in gold it says "Hazelby. Catalogue of Library." followed by the word "Richmond", which has been crossed out. Loose at the beginning of the manuscript are two pages title "Books to leave at Richmond", suggesting the catalogue was made for the Hazelby library prior to the move and then modified following the move. The catalogue was written in two hands, there seems to be a complete list in one hand and then, presumably a later one, that is only for A and B, but considerably more extensive.

Irish and Scottish song manuscript collection

  • MS032
  • Stuk
  • 1861-1889

The manuscript contains over one hundred Irish and Scottish songs, collected by Harry S. Higginson. The index at the front goes as high as ninety-one songs at page 98, but there are songs until page 162, suggesting approximately 150 titles. Song lyrics are by Thomas Moore, Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, and others. In the front of the book Higginson has also kept track of his movements.

Loose with the manuscript is a clipping for the "Connaught Foxes" (between pp. 99-100) song and two other hand written notes, one of which has the Legend of the seven churches of Glendalough written by Henry S. Wedderburn and The Bengalee Baboo.

Knights of Malta - Primo trattato del commun tesoro dell'ordine militare de Sant' Giovanni Battista Gerosolomitano, appellato inappresso di Rodi hoggidi detto di Malta. Opera prima de questa materia del Venerando Prior Caravita. Tomo V

  • MS034
  • Stuk
  • 1719

Translation of title: The First Treaty of the Sacred Treasury of the Military Order of Saint John the Baptist of Jerusalem, hereafter named of Rhodes, today named of Malta. The first work on this matter of the Reverend Prior Caravita. 5th volume.

Knights of Malta - Secundo trattato del commun tesoro dell'ordine militare de Sant' Giovanni Battista Gerosolomitano, inappresso di Rodi apellato hoggidi detto di Malta. Opera seconda de qusta materia del Venerando Prior Caravita. Tomo VI

  • MS035
  • Stuk
  • 1719

Translation of title: The Second Treaty of the Sacred Treasury of the Military Order of Saint John the Baptist of Jerusalem, hereafter named of Rhodes, today named of Malta. The second work on this matter of the Reverend Prior Caravita. 6th volume.

Mary Jane Arbuthnot Keane manuscript

  • MS036
  • Collectie
  • 1832-1868

Collection contains the following items:
Poems, anecdotes, and jokes collected by Mary Jane Arbuthnot Keane, 124 p. manuscript;
Abbotsford the Seat of Sir Walter Scott by W. H. Lizars, an engraving;
The White Rock as in 1833 by E. M. L., a drawing in pencil on gray paper;
Town and Mountains / by E. M. L., a drawing in pencil; and,
Asian gentleman, ship, flora and fauna, a series of watercolours.

Keane, Mary Jane Arbuthnot

Book of Purity and Prayer

  • MS037
  • Collectie
  • 17??-19??

Fair copy in an unknown hand or hands. Commentary on the original manuscript has been added around the margin and on inserted loose sheets. -- Contents page is illuminated in red, gold and blue. Some pages have been bound incorrectly, that is upside down. Text is predominantly Arabic with some Persian. Table of contents is in Persian. The manuscript contains instructions on conduct for living an Islamic life.

Qur'an manuscript

  • MS038
  • Stuk
  • 18--

An incomplete manuscript. Contains all of the Qur'an but also contains other prayers. Part of a series, neither the first or last volume. Turkish in origin. Illumination in black, gold, green, and red. There are two pages containing only illumination in the same colours.

Qur'an manuscript

  • MS039
  • Stuk
  • before 1800?

Manuscript also contains a prayer not from the Qur'an. Illumination in floral pattern.

Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 1029