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Series consists of letters addressed to Russell which are written in a nonsensical, ridiculous and/or indignant manner. Some crank mail elicited a response from Russell or his secretary, Ralph Schoenman, and may include typescript copies of replies, but most letters were left unanswered. A considerable amount of letters are from Peter Askey; one box (11.82) contains only letters received from him. Many letters were also sent anonymously.

Acquired as part of Archives 2, the print finding aid for which states: “Every well-known figure must receive crank mail, but Russell seems to have received more than his share. Possibly it was his reputation as a sage that attracted the letters. His staff regularly annotated such mail "crank". … While there may be nothing so dismal as an anonymous crank letter, pseudonymous crank letters can be very entertaining. See, for example, the letters and enclosed "cheques" (ranging from $5000 to $2,000,000,000) from the Virgin Express Alexandra I.”

"Later" Legal and Business Correspondence

Series consists largely of legal correspondence relating to alleged press abuse that Russell experienced in newspapers such as The Economist and Daily Mirror, and other publications; also includes documentation on various lawsuits. As noted in the print finding aid for Archives 2, “Russell felt obliged to check journalistic scurrility when it blackened his name. The Penthouse file contains, in addition to the first issue of the British edition (March 1965), two copies of a pre-publication brochure falsely listing Russell among the future contributors.”

This series also includes business correspondence and financial statements relating to the purchase, sublet, and rental of properties as well as dividends, account summaries, etc. Much of the correspondence is between B.M. Birnberg & Co. and Russell, Ralph Schoenman, or Chris Farley. Includes typescript copies of Russell's outgoing correspondence as well as some typescript copies of incoming correspondence.

'Save Europe Now'

Series consists primarily of letters from Victor Gollancz, chairman of Save Europe Now, which was concerned with post-WWII relief and reconstruction in central Europe; some of the letters are addressed to Lady [Patricia] Russell. Also includes other correspondence, circulars, printed materials, resolutions of meetings, draft statements, copies of open letters to the Prime Minister and Minister of Food, various reports on the treatment of displaced persons in Eastern Europe as well as conditions in Europe generally and in the four zones of Germany, and other items. Acquired as part of Archives 1.

Extrait des ouvrages des meilleurs auteurs français manuscript

  • MS027
  • Item
  • 17--

Extrait des ouvrages des meilleurs auteurs français [Extract from the works of the best French authors]. Passages from the following authors are included: François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis, Pierre Corneille, Jean de La Fontaine, Claude-Joseph Dorat, Stanislas de Boufflers, Jean-Baptiste Rousseau, Nicolas Chamfort, Jean Racine, and Voltaire.

There is an advertisement for a paper maker in Paris pasted into the front cover of the book.

The latest date in the manuscript is a work of Voltaire's from 1747, so it is assumed to have been written in the later half of the 18th Century. The identity of the copyist is unknown.

Pantheologia by Rainerius de Pisis, two pages

  • RC0879
  • Item
  • 1477

These two leaves from the 1477 edition of Rainier of Pisa's Pantheologia printed by Anton Koberger. These incunabula pages imitate manuscripts with letters added in red and blue, as well as small highlights done to other letters. There is some evidence of illumination or planned drollery in the margin of one page.

1766 Madrid riots and Instruction Against the Jesuits

  • MS112
  • Item
  • 1760-1766

Indice. Tumulto de Madrid del anno 1766 .... Instruccion a Principes an malos Jesuitas.

Spanish and Portuguese manuscript bound in vellum. Notation on spine almost illegible but appears to read "PAPEL NARROS". 342 unnumbered pages. The first approx. half of the ms. is in Spanish. It concerns the 1766 riots in Madrid and consists of sections in various hands. The second section, ("Instruccaõ a Principes, sobre a Politica dos Padres Jesuittas") a translation from Italian into Portuguese, consists of instructions to rulers against the Jesuits, apparently in a single hand, dated Lisbon, 1760. The manuscript is in fragile condition: some leaves have become detached from the spine.

1935 divorce documents - divorce from Dora Russell

Series consists of various legal documents used in the divorce proceedings between Russell and Dora Russell including two Heads of Agreements; affidavits and petitions by Russell and Dora Russell; affidavits from approximately fifteen individuals about Beacon Hill School; statements; draft of Russell's will and a deed poll; deed of gift; earnings record; memorandum; some correspondence and investigative reports; and, as noted in the print finding aid for Archives 2, “’An Inventory of the Furniture and Household Effects at 'Telegraph House', Harting, Petersfield’. This document is interesting for its listing of the books in Telegraph House, among other things.”

19th Battalion scrapbook

  • RC0835
  • Item
  • 1915-1964

The scrapbook contains approximately 55 black and white photos (approximately half are originals, the others are good quality reproductions), 3 colour photographs, news clippings, maps, and other material related to the Battalion.

19th Battalion (Central, Ontario), Canadian Expeditionary Force

90th Birthday mementoes/tribute

Russell's 90th birthday on 18 May 1962 was celebrated the next evening at the Royal Festival Hall in London with a musical tribute. Series consists primarily of birthday letters/cards received by Russell from individuals and organizations all over the world, as well as copies of his replies. As noted in the Archives 2 print finding aid, series also includes letters “written chiefly in response to Ralph Schoenman's requests for tributes to be printed in the tribute booklet, Into the Tenth Decade (1962).” Also found in the series are a program for the musical tribute and a signed scroll presented by British Members of Parliament.

95th Birthday letters

As noted in the Archives 2 print finding aid, "Russell's 95th birthday was on 18 May 1967. There was no public celebration, but some members of the public and friends sent their congratulations to him." Those congratulations are contained in this series of approximately 150 letters.

97th Birthday

Series consists of approximately 50 birthday letters addressed to Russell for his 97th birthday from individuals and organizations around the world who were both known and unknown to him. Many were sent by admirers of Russell. Russell died at age 97, and thus the items in this series mark his last birthday.

A. G. Chisholm

  • RC0125
  • Fonds
  • 1892-1948

The fonds consists of Chisholm’s correspondence and legal documents he filed on behalf of the Six Nations. His correspondents included: two lawyers who acted as his agents in Ottawa; many Six Nations councillors; Government ministers; and archivists. The legal documents he filed include Statements, Memorandums and Petitions of Right. There are also copies of many documents that he researched in order to establish the historical record. These copies date back to 1763.

Chisholm, A. G.

A.E. Coppard manuscript

  • RC0866
  • Item
  • [192-?]

A manuscript page from The Higgler by A.E. Coppard. On the other side appears is an unidentified typescript.

Coppard, A.E.

Aaron Copland manuscript

  • RC0756
  • Item
  • 1960

This is a typescript of Copland's The Teacher: Nadia Boulanger.

Copland, Aaron

Academic Robes: Their Usage and History

  • RC0730
  • Collection
  • 1916

The compilation on academic robes by McNairn has eight chapters: Academic Finery; The Code for British Hoods; Oxford Robes; Cambridge Robes for Doctors and Graduates (a pamphlet by A. G. Almond); Robes In Other Universities; Cap and Gown in America (a pamphlet by Gardner Cotrell Leonard published in 1896); American System of Academic Robes; College Colours, an article by McNairn published in the University of Toronto Varsity, 19 November 1901.

McNairn, W. Harvey

Adrian Grant Duff fonds

  • RC0197
  • Fonds
  • 1883-1987

The fonds consists of original materials (and many holograph copies) created by Adrian Grant Duff and others, as well as research notes and extracts /of original materials created by his daughter, Shiela.

Grant Duff, Adrian

Advertising collection

  • RC0304
  • Collection
  • 1867-1991

There have been three accruals. The collection consists of Canadian, American, and British advertisements for products, services and businesses. It includes pamphlets, leaflets, posters, calendars, display cards, trade cards, photographs and proofs.

Agnew family fonds

  • RC0541
  • Fonds
  • 1912-1919

The fonds consists of correspondence, photographs and realia. There are letters from all three sons to their mother and their father as well as letters from their father to their mother, one letter from Donald to Ronald, news clippings and post cards. There are also two b&w photographs of French people and one b&w photograph presumably of Elizabeth Agnew, a handkerchief embroidered with the flags of various nations, a pencil and crayon sketch of a house, and money issued by Germany during its occupation of Belgium.

Agnew, Donald Robert

Results 1 to 20 of 1029