- RC0926
- Archief
- 1943-1946
The archive consists mostly of maps and aerial photographs from Nickle's time in the Second World War. There are additional documents related to his military service.
Nickle, Samuel C.
The archive consists mostly of maps and aerial photographs from Nickle's time in the Second World War. There are additional documents related to his military service.
Nickle, Samuel C.
The fonds consists of: manuscripts, correspondence, personal files, Barbados, Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, teaching and audio tapes, material related to Survivors of the Crossing and material on the election campaign of 1977, material relating to The Ontario Film Review Board, unpublished novels, notebook and material received, periodicals, research files, invitations, tape recordings, articles, and other material
Clarke, Austin
The fonds consists of both personal and general correspondence, manuscripts, notebooks, published novels and various other writings, photographs, and other material. See 'system of arrangement' below for more detail.
Engel, Marian
There have been twelve accruals. The first accrual consists of: manuscripts and typescripts of some published works; literary correspondence; and typescripts and related correspondence pertaining to specific poetry. It is divided into two series: manuscripts and typescripts; and literary correspondence, which is divided into two subseries (correspondence relating to individual poetry books; and general literary correspondence). The second accrual consists correspondence and manuscripts arranged into three series: Harbinger Poetry, the Literary Review of Canada and Levenson's collected poems. The third accrual consists of four series: collected poems; manuscripts and typescripts; other literary activities; correspondence. The fourth accrual consists of four series: manuscripts, collected poems, sound recording, personal and literary correspondence. The fifth accrual consists of three series: writings, correspondence, and other work. The sixth accrual contains writing and correspondence. The seventh accrual consists of the collected poems for Levenson's thirteenth volume of poetry, as well as correspondence, recordings, and teaching material. The eighth accrual includes reviews, publications, and posters. The ninth accrual consists of the collected poems for Levenson's fourteenth volume of poetry, correspondence, and recordings. The tenth accrual consists of collected poems for Levenson’s fourteenth volume of poetry and correspondence. The eleventh accrual combines accessions 2020—015 and 2021-008. It consists of correspondence, poetry for Levenson’s fourteenth and fifteenth volumes; recordings and Dutch translation of Levenson’s book of poetry. The twelfth accrual is arranged into the following series: Writing; Literary activities; Society of Friends (Quakers); Teaching, Readings, Workshops and publications; Correspondence. The thirteenth accrual consists primarily of correspondence between Levenson and friends, other authors, publishers, academics, and select correspondence with politicians; this accrual also contains a small number of records pertaining to Levenson’s time as a student, his pre-academic employment, his tenure at Carleton, and his writing.
Levenson, Christopher
The first accrual consists of two series: casework files and daily journals.
The second accrual (23-1996) consists of files from Allen's office in Queen's Park, covering the period 1982-1995. By and large this accrual consists of reports, briefs, news releases, press clippings, photocopies of internal memos, communiques, and printed matter. The original material consists of daily journals, correspondence to and from Allen to constituents and colleagues in the New Democratic Party, correspondence to and from federal cabinet ministers, holograph or typescript versions of speeches and notes. Frequently, incoming and outgoing correspondence is one of multiple copies. Original order has been maintained as much as possible in the arrangement of this accrual. The titles that appear on the files are the original titles. The series and subseries are organized in an attempt to reflect the career of Richard Allen: Series 1: in opposition 1982-1990; Subseries: Hamilton; education; Francophone affairs; Community and Social Services & Office of the Disabled; personal and administrative. Series 2: minister and member of government, 1990-1995. Subseries: Meech Lake and post-Meech Lake; Minister of Colleges & Universities; Minister Responsible for the Ontario Training & Adjustment Board; Minister of International Trade; Minister of Housing; Minister's administrative files. Series 3: sound recordings and videocassette, 1989-1995. It should be noted that a chronological arrangement within the sub-series has been attempted, in order to trace the prolific political endeavours of Allen. Box numbering in this accrual is sequential with the previous accrual.
The third accrual (24-2000) consists of administrative files reflecting Allen's political activities sukch as council minutes, reports, election results, press releases and promotional materials. The accrual also contains files relating to GO-ALRT and the Canadian Porcelain Project.
The fourth accrual (2009-02, 2011-006) consists of material related to Bill 30: An Act to amend the Education Act (Ont.) (1986).
The fifth accrual (2019-053) consists of eight series: personal correspondence, education, academics, research, publications, political career, other political activity, and audio-visual material.
The sixth accrual (2021-004) consists of the typescript of the unpublished second volume of the Salem Bland biography and related material.
The seventh accrual (2023-003) consists of two series: research materials and community work.
Allen, Richard
The fonds contains material that falls into the following catagories: poetry; prose; journals; audio visual & music; correspondence; publicity, promotion and contracts; reviews and interviews; and publications
Jenoff, Marvyne
Fonds consists of cassette tapes containing recordings of interviews conducted by Neil Armstrong of prominent Black and Caribbean artists, authors, poets, publishers, academics, and politicians for the York University student radio, CHRY 105.5FM. Interviews cover topics such as Black and Caribbean history, literature, community events, international work, and more. Interviewees include The Honourable Lincoln Alexander, Dionne Brand, Afua Cooper, The Honourable Rosemary Brown, Austin Clarke, George Elliott Clark, Louise Bennett (Miss Lou), and others. Some tapes have interviews or speeches made by these individuals outside of a CHRY interview.
Tapes were numbered in accordance with the original order upon arrival. Note: The “A” or “B” following the tape number reflects which side of the tape the recording may be found. Tapes without an affixed letter contain only one recording.
Armstrong, Neil
The fonds consists of research materials, manuscripts, and correspondence pertaining to Brandis’ writing activities; these files depict the extensive research, planning, and revision that she has undertaken while writing. The first two accessions are arranged under 5 series: Writing, Public Talks and Events, Promotional Materials, Printed material about Brandis, and Artwork. The third accession is arranged into 4 series: Published Work, Unpublished Works, Talks and Teaching, and Reviews and Awards. A number of her books were removed from the rest of the materials and have been catalogued for Research Collections.
Brandis, Marianne
The fonds consists of seven accruals. The first accrual measures 1.35 m, and consists of material relating to The Outport People and 7 journals. The second accrual measures 75 cm, and consists of material related to Pomp and Circumstances and 5 journals. The third accrual (02-1992) measures 66 cm, and is arranged in two series consisting of journals and correspondence. The fourth accrual (03-1993) measures 66 cm, and is arranged in three series consisting of: manuscripts, correspondence and journals. The fifth accrual (09-1997) measures 70 cm, and is arranged in four series consisting of: fan mail, fan mail to Farley Mowat answered by Claire Mowat, manuscripts and research material primarily devoted to Pomp and Circumstances, and journals. The sixth accrual (17-2006) measures 64 cm and consists of manuscripts and research material, predominantly drafts of the author's books Girl from Away, The French Islands, Last Summer in Louisbourg and Travels with Farley.
Mowat, Claire
There have been seven accruals. Four accruals from the 1970s have been combined and consist of stage plays, radio and television material, his thesis on T.S. Eliot and other related works, articles and book reviews, poetry, and correspondence. The fifth accrual consists of stage, radio and television plays, poems and short stories, a book about creative writing, and correspondence. Sound recordings, moving images and photographic slides also form part of the fonds. They are been removed from their accruals and are stored separately.
Winter, Jack
Lieut. Charles L. Jeffrey fonds
The fonds covers the period of Jeffrey’s life in the few years preceding the war and during his service. It consists of diaries and notes on sermons from before the war. Correspondence regarding his plans to serve and while oversees. As well as newspapers related to his and his sister’s schooling and a number of obituaries after his death.
Jeffrey, Charles Lucas, Lieutenant
The fonds contains manuscripts and typescripts; correspondence; Saturday Night material; speeches and talks; administrative, personal and research files/documents; photographs and artwork; and other material. See 'system of arrangement' for more detail.
Fulford, Robert
This log book covers Douglas Cameron's period of active service over the European continent (Berlin, Cherbourg, Guernsey, Nuremberg, Genoa, Turin and elsewhere) -- a total of 325 flying hours in daylight and 271 hours at night. Two sorties recorded in the log resulted in the awarding of Victoria Crosses, to Rawdon H. Middleton and Sergeant Bazalgette.
Cameron, Douglas
Typescript of John Conrad Russell’s Undergraduate B.A. Thesis
Typescript of John Conrad Russell’s Undergraduate B.A. Thesis
Russell, John Conrad
Fonds consists of records created or received by Anne Russell, particularly during the period of her secondary education (ca. 1956-1962).
Russell, Felicity Anne
Fonds consists of records created or received by Sarah Russell, particularly during the period of her secondary and post-secondary education (ca. 1956-1979).
Russell, Sarah Elizabeth
Fonds consists of records created or received by Lucy Russell, predominantly during the period when she was of writing age and under Bertrand and Edith Russell’s care (ca. 1953-1965).
With Lucy Russell’s archive came her childhood library—226 volumes in total. As of January 2024, these books are slated for cataloguing. In the meantime, a full listing can be provided to interested parties.
Russell, Lucy Catherine
The fonds consists mainly of materials related to his writing, as well as a large monograph collection.
Cookridge, E. H.
Palestine and Israel postcard collection
This collection of postcards pertaining to Palestine and Israel comprises two parts.
Part 1: 114 cards produced by Shlomo Narinsky (1885-1960), a Russian-born Jewish photographer, of Holy Land portraits and scenes, printed in sepia photogravure in 1921 by the Jamal Brothers of Jerusalem (numbered 1-118, lacking numbers 82, 106, 108, and 111, but the missing cards were apparently never printed). There are also six other cards from the Middle East, not part of the Narinsky set of cards.
Part II: Souvenir of the Holy Land, old and new Jerusalem (18 b&w cards); Bethlehem (10 colour cards); Ancient Jerusalem model (10 colour cards); Souvenir of Jerusalem (10 sepia cards); Kibbutz Lohamei Haghettaot (6 colour cards); Eilat (9 colour cards); Caesarea (9 colour cards); 2 sets of Nazareth (9 colour cards apiece); Israel Exploration Society, Beth She’arim (10 b&w cards); Jerusalem (10 colour cards); Safad (6 colour cards); Yad Washem (7 colour cards); Jericho (10 colour cards); Flowers of Israel (10 colour cards); Hebron (7 colour cards); Haifa, Little Folder Series (15 colour cards); Galileee, Little Folder Series (15 colour cards); Negeb, Little Folder Series (15 colour cards); 30 colour cards of various scenes.