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Skating Collection

  • RC0413
  • Colección
  • [182?]-2007

The collection relates to ice skating and figure skating, and is comprised of the following series:
Postcards, trade cards, photo cards, and pictorial cards
Skating programs
Sheet music and recordings
Barbara Ann Scott collection
Alain Calmat collection
Sonja Henie collection
Cecilia Colledge collection
Archives and ephemera.

Frank S. and Alfred E. Wood fonds

  • RC0497
  • Fondo
  • [190-]-1977

The fonds consists of artifact catalogues, correspondence, site reports and other material.

Wood, Alfred E.

Daily Mail Bird's-Eye Map of the British Front

  • RC0863
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [191?]

This is a “Bird’s-Eye Map of the British Front” published by the Daily Mail. It covers the geographical area from north of Ypres to south of Loos, from west of Poperinghe to Menin in the east. It is in full colour and illustrated with pictorial terrain features.

Daily Mail (London, England)

Fire trucks collection

  • RC0519
  • Colección
  • [192-]-[195-]

The collection consists of b&w photographs of fire trucks. There are trucks from the Burlington, Grimbsy, Kamsack, Kelowna, Kentville, Niagara, Niagara Falls, Pickering, Point Claire, Revelstoke, and the Canadian National Parks Fire Departments. Many of the trucks are identified as Bickle trucks. Founded in Winnipeg in 1906, the company had been moved to Woodstock, Ont. becoming Bickle Fire Engines Ltd. in 1922. Four of the photographs are taken by Charles W. Hayrall of Woodstock, Ont. One of the photographs was taken by W.J. Oliver. Most of the photographs are stationary portraits of trucks. Only three of the photographs show any action: two men are atop the Canadian National Parks truck operating the fire hose at a lake; one photograph is of a truck moving down a street; one photograph is of men climbing a fire truck ladder.

Robert Dorsey fonds

  • RC0890
  • Fondo
  • [192-]-2002

The fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, maps, clippings, and other printed material pertaining to Dorsey’s life, military service and involvement in WWII.

Dorsey, Robert Edmund

Andy Donato collection

  • RC0764
  • Colección
  • [197-]-[1980]

The collection consists of 22 drawings.

Donato, Andy

Various works / Boethius

  • MS108
  • Unidad documental simple
  • ca. 1150

Latin manuscript in a transitional Gothic script showing some vestigial Carolingian features. The opening leaf contains an illuminated initial "C"; there are rubricated initials throughout. At leaf 41 there is a diagram of the 4 elements and their innerconnections. On the verso of leaf 42 there is an illuminated initial "O". Extensively annotated throughout in at least two subsequent Gothic hands.

Manuscript is bound in tooled leather dating from the 19th or early 20th century. Stamped on spine: Boetius. Sever. ms. sec XII. This expands to: Boethuis Severini. Twelfth century. Manuscript is slipcased with "Boetius. c1150" [sic.] stamped on spine.

Biblia Sacra

  • MS106
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [12--]

Biblia Sacra. Produced in France in the first half of the 13th century. There are 45 double column lines to the page in a small gothic hand on fine vellum, ornamented with 63 illuminated and 73 historiated initials. Most of them have red and blue decorative columns extending to the head and foot of the text. The text is in Latin.

Leaf from a Bible

  • MS122
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [1280?]

One leaf from a bible. Encased in a custom portfolio with string ties. Portfolio is marked "Latin Vulgate Bible, Italy, 1280 A.D." and bears the initials "G.T.W."

Page from an antiphonal

  • MS123
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [after 1264]

The manuscript is the first page of the Lauda Sion Salvatorem, one of the sequences from the Roman Catholic Mass of Corpus Christi. This sequence was written by Thomas Aquinas in 1264, providing the dating parameters for the manuscript. With illuminated letter "L" and ornamented letters "Q" and "L" on the recto, and two ornamented "Q"s on the verso.

Book of Isaiah, leaf

  • MS117
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [13--?]

One leaf from a bible, portion, in Latin, from the book of Isaiah with illuminated letter 'C'. Possibly made in France.

Astrology and cosmology / Family history

  • MS111
  • Unidad documental simple
  • 13-?

Persian manuscript written in black and with illustrations in red ink. It is the work of a scholar. It possibly dates from the 14th century. It contains astrological and cosmological charts and diagrams of stars, moon, suns, and the seasons, giving the auspicious times for prayer. It gives the auspicious times for prayer and also mentions the name of an Emperor Jalaludin Mallik. The manuscript is incomplete: beginning and end pages are missing, as well as portions of pages are excised.

On the front fly leaf, there is writing in a different and unsophisticated hand, unrelated to the main manuscript. It relates some family history and is written in Persian with two words in Arabic. There is a number, 782, at the top of this page. If it is a year, it also dates back to the 14th cebtury.

British legal instuments collection (Late Medival to Post-Regency)

  • RC0495
  • Colección
  • 1336-1825

This artificial collection of documents consists of 81 manuscripts, including deeds, charters, instruments of sasine, obligations, letters patent, wills, probate certificates, and manorial court proceedings, placed into 76 separate groupings. Most of the documents are English, concerning Berkshire, Cambridgeshire, Devon, Essex, Hampshire (including Isle of Wight), Kent, London, Middlesex, Norfolk, Rutland, Somerset, Suffolk, Surrey, Wiltshire, and Yorkshire. Some are Scottish, from Aberdeenshire, Ayrshire, Clackmannanshire, Edinburgh, Peeblesshire, Perthshire, and West Lothian. One was drawn up in Louth, Ireland while under British rule. Among the notable names occurring in these documents are North of Kirtling, Addington of Harlow, Cotton of Leswade, Primrose of Chester, Paston of Paston, and Shelley of Horsham. Also included, in envelope A, are several pieces of seals which have broken.

Legendary of Middle Dutch prose

  • MS041
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [13--?]-[14--?]

Contains ii + 163 leaves of paper. The book is re-backed with contemporary morocco leather over boards with a single clasp in the Germanic style. Contains the following lives: Saints Margaret, Pantaleon, Boniface, Oldulphus, Marcus and Marcellianus, Tiburtius, Barbara, Dorothea, and Fides, Spes, Caritas and their mother, Sophia and some additional material.

Leaf from a Book of Hours, [use of Rouen?]

  • MS120
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [14--?]

With illuminated letter "D" and red marginal ornamentation on one side, ornamented letters "E" and "I" and red and blue marginal ornamentation on the other side. Leaf is enclosed in double sided white board mount.

Two leaves from a Book of Hours

  • MS121
  • Unidad documental simple
  • [14--?]

Leaves from a book of hours originating in France. One leaf has an illuminated letter "Q" on one side and an illuminated "H" on the other, both highlighted with gold and with trailing floral ornamentation. The leaf is enclosed in a double sided white board mount. The second leaf has an illuminated letter "S" and has been enclosed in a single sided white board mount.

Liber Visionum

  • MS107
  • Unidad documental simple
  • 29 November 1461

Manuscript is in Latin, partly on vellum and partly on paper. The text consists of prayers and supplicatory rituals dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is followed by the Office of the Angels, commencing at leaf 85, in a different hand. Nicholas Watson suggests in his essay in Clare Fanger's book Conjuring Spirits: Texts and Traditions of Medieval Ritual Magic (1990) that the manuscript is a partial copy of the Liber Visionum by Jean de Morigny, with the first part likely having been composed between 1304 and 1307 and the second part composed before 1315. Manuscript is bound in reinforced vellum with "Codex" stamped on spine and slipcased with "Prayer book. c 1460" stamped on spine.

Manuscript contains 12 illustrations and decorations executed by an amateurish other hand, all near the front.

Pantheologia by Rainerius de Pisis, two pages

  • RC0879
  • Unidad documental simple
  • 1477

These two leaves from the 1477 edition of Rainier of Pisa's Pantheologia printed by Anton Koberger. These incunabula pages imitate manuscripts with letters added in red and blue, as well as small highlights done to other letters. There is some evidence of illumination or planned drollery in the margin of one page.

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