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Joan White collection

  • RC0603
  • Collection
  • 1942-1944

The collection consists of three letters, two to Joan’s mother, and one to Patsey (Patty) Maclachlan.

White, Joan

John Brand fonds

  • MS 069
  • Fonds
  • 1800-1806

The fonds consists of Brand's correspondence with Rev. Falcon, who was serving as Cure of Cramlington in Brand's absence, as well correspondence with Nathanel Punshon, an attorney in Newcastle, and other documents concerning Cramlington. Fonds is bound in covers with "Rev. J. Brand Private Papers Mss." stamped on spine.

Brand, John

John Horton MacIntyre poems

  • RC0671
  • Item
  • 19--

Here Now and Gone / by John Horton MacIntyre. -- [19-] . -- Ts. of poem, 1 p.

Tae Bonnets O'Blue / by John Horton MacIntyre. -- [19-]. -- Ts. of poem, 1 p.

MacIntyre, John Horton

John Masefield collection

  • RC0018
  • Collection
  • 1955-1959

The collection consists of 4 letters from Masefield to Kathleen Harper, 1955-[1956]; a poem “On the Occasion of Her Majesty’s Visit to Canada, 1959”, 8 pages typed and signed by Masefield “For Kathleen Harper, August the 1st 1959”, also a one-page manuscript abridged version of the poem. The collection also contains a b&w photograph of Masefield, signed and inscribed to Harper in 1959 and a copy of Masefield’s play, Good Friday, signed and inscribed to Harper in July 1955.

Masefield, John

John and Jane Jones sale documents

  • RC0797
  • Item
  • 1806

Bargain and sale by John Jones of Niagara [Niagara-on-the-Lake] in Lincoln in the province of Upper Canada, tailor, and Jane, his wife, to Phinihas Howell of Niagara, carpenter, of a tract of land, with all buildings on it, on the north-eastern part of Lot 30 in the town of Niagara for £294. Jones had the land by letters patent, dated 16 Nov. 1804 (registered 7 Dec. 1804 in Book R, fol. 351). Boundaries of the property include Prideaux Street and the house of Elizabeth Thompson. Among the conditions of sale, for ten shillings, Jane Jones agreed to quitclaim her right to her dower. Dated at Niagara, 29 Jan. 1806. Signed and sealed by John Jones, Jane Jones, and Phinihas Howell. Witnesses, A[lexander] Cameron and J. Macdonell.
Subscribed receipt for £294, signed by John Jones, witnessed by A[lexander] Cameron and J. Macdonell.
Endorsed memorandum of release of dower rights, signed by Robert Thorpe, justice of the King's bench for Upper Canada, dated near Niagara, 2 Aug. 1806.
Endorsed memorandum of enrollment in the register, dated 15 Sept. 1806, in Book C, fol. 294, signed by Ralph Clench, deputy registrar of the county of Lincoln.
Indenture. Three red wax seals, cracked and without impressions.

Jones, John and Jane

Joseph Ely manuscript

  • MS026
  • Item
  • 1817

The following composed and executed for amusement by Joseph Ely. Manuscript consists of six different poems, all titled "Poetical Thoughts".

Journal begun at Government House, Montreal, 1 January 1829

  • MS090
  • Item
  • 1829-1830

The writer of this journal was a woman. In the spring of 1829 she travelled to Cornwall and Kingston. Later on she went to the United States. She arrived in Liverpool on 22 Sept. 1830 and returned to her home, near to Glasgow, Scotland.

Katharine Birkmyre fonds

  • RC0796
  • Fonds
  • 1873-1937

The fonds is contained in a green leather album trimmed in gold. It consists of correspondence mostly addressed to Katharine Birkmyre, although a few letters are addressed to her father, Canon Skelton and to her husband. It also includes invitations, dinner menus and autographs, two photographs of the Red Cross Hospital in Gibraltar, and her admission badge to the Royal enclosure at the Ascot races in 1937. There is one letter from Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of Rosebery and another from Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, both prime ministers, to Henry Birkmyre. Both letters concern Birkmyre's defeats in elections held in 1895 and 1899. There is also one letter from Edmund Gosse, poet and man of letters, addressed to Lady Charnwood. The album has been annotated by Katharine Birkmyre.

Birkmyre, Katharine

Katherine Clarke fonds

  • RC0633
  • Fonds
  • [195-]-2010

Katherine Clarke has dubbed her archives “The Peace House Papers”. Digital copies of the originals and documents from 2009-10 have been placed by her into three folders: book one, “Finding Causes”, consisting of biographical information and letters to her parents between September 1963 and June 1964; book two, “Touring Cuba with 45 Canadians in the summer of 1964 … In the 5th year of La Revolución Cubana”, consisting of photographs of her time in Cuba (including photos of Fidel Castro speaking to a large crowd and playing baseball), photographs of “Harry” and other soldiers (a soldier in Castro’s army, pre-1959, i.e. before the revolution photographs), and her account (entitled “Sugar Daddy”); book three, letters to her parents between September 1964 and March 1965. Originals of most of these materials are also extant in the Clarke fonds.

Clarke, Katherine

Kilmaster family fonds

  • RC0207
  • Fonds
  • 1882-1904

The fonds consists mainly of invitations to social events, including assemblies, receptions, commencements, banquets and balls. There is a news clipping of a review of the play “Old Soldiers” put on by the Brantford Amateurs in the Stratford Opera House in 1885 in which both Kilmasters acted. Pauline Johnson also acted in this play. There are also programmes, the funeral notice (noted above), a trespass notice, dancing instructions, three letters, a few documents related to the Dufferin Rifles, Jolite Club meeting notices, several news clippings, and miscellaneous printed materials. Most of the activities took place in Brantford and surrounding towns. However, some invitations are from places in Michigan.

Kilmaster family

1766 Madrid riots and Instruction Against the Jesuits

  • MS112
  • Item
  • 1760-1766

Indice. Tumulto de Madrid del anno 1766 .... Instruccion a Principes an malos Jesuitas.

Spanish and Portuguese manuscript bound in vellum. Notation on spine almost illegible but appears to read "PAPEL NARROS". 342 unnumbered pages. The first approx. half of the ms. is in Spanish. It concerns the 1766 riots in Madrid and consists of sections in various hands. The second section, ("Instruccaõ a Principes, sobre a Politica dos Padres Jesuittas") a translation from Italian into Portuguese, consists of instructions to rulers against the Jesuits, apparently in a single hand, dated Lisbon, 1760. The manuscript is in fragile condition: some leaves have become detached from the spine.

Extrait des ouvrages des meilleurs auteurs français manuscript

  • MS027
  • Item
  • 17--

Extrait des ouvrages des meilleurs auteurs français [Extract from the works of the best French authors]. Passages from the following authors are included: François-Joachim de Pierre de Bernis, Pierre Corneille, Jean de La Fontaine, Claude-Joseph Dorat, Stanislas de Boufflers, Jean-Baptiste Rousseau, Nicolas Chamfort, Jean Racine, and Voltaire.

There is an advertisement for a paper maker in Paris pasted into the front cover of the book.

The latest date in the manuscript is a work of Voltaire's from 1747, so it is assumed to have been written in the later half of the 18th Century. The identity of the copyist is unknown.

Pantheologia by Rainerius de Pisis, two pages

  • RC0879
  • Item
  • 1477

These two leaves from the 1477 edition of Rainier of Pisa's Pantheologia printed by Anton Koberger. These incunabula pages imitate manuscripts with letters added in red and blue, as well as small highlights done to other letters. There is some evidence of illumination or planned drollery in the margin of one page.

A.E. Coppard manuscript

  • RC0866
  • Item
  • [192-?]

A manuscript page from The Higgler by A.E. Coppard. On the other side appears is an unidentified typescript.

Coppard, A.E.

Aaron Copland manuscript

  • RC0756
  • Item
  • 1960

This is a typescript of Copland's The Teacher: Nadia Boulanger.

Copland, Aaron

Academic Robes: Their Usage and History

  • RC0730
  • Collection
  • 1916

The compilation on academic robes by McNairn has eight chapters: Academic Finery; The Code for British Hoods; Oxford Robes; Cambridge Robes for Doctors and Graduates (a pamphlet by A. G. Almond); Robes In Other Universities; Cap and Gown in America (a pamphlet by Gardner Cotrell Leonard published in 1896); American System of Academic Robes; College Colours, an article by McNairn published in the University of Toronto Varsity, 19 November 1901.

McNairn, W. Harvey

Results 1 to 20 of 1029