Collectie RC0942 - Art Cooper Collection of Comic Art and Fanzines

Title and statement of responsibility area


Art Cooper Collection of Comic Art and Fanzines

Algemene aanduiding van het materiaal

Parallelle titel

Overige titelinformatie

Title statements of responsibility

Titel aantekeningen



referentie code




Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Datering archiefvorming


  • 1936-2017, predominant 1971-1978 (Vervaardig)
    Cooper, Art

Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

ca. 12 cm textual records

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archivistische beschrijving

Naam van de archiefvormer



Art Cooper is a comic artist who created original artwork for a variety of McMaster campus publications in the 1970s. He also contributed original artwork to Hamilton comic fandom publications in the 1960s and 1970s.

Cooper graduated from McMaster’s engineering undergraduate program in 1979. Subsequently, he completed an MBA at McMaster in 1980. As a student (1970s), Cooper produced artwork for the Silhouette and Plumbline (Engineering newspaper), posters for the McMaster Film Board, and artwork for special events on campus.

Cooper also participated in the Hamilton comic fandom scene, contributing artwork for Terry Edwards’ ComiCanada in 1967, one of the first Canadian comic-related publications since the demise of Canadian comic publisher Superior Publishers in 1956. Cooper also published his own magazine, Canada’s Best #1, in 1969, and was a founding partner (with Vince Marchesano) of Spectrum Publications, which published 17 mini-comic books in 1971-1973. Finally, Cooper penciled two stories for Orb Magazine (1976), a Canadian science fiction/comic publication.

Geschiedenis beheer

Bereik en inhoud

Collection contains original artwork and copies of posters for the McMaster Campus Cinema screening program; posters or comic art created or collected by Art Cooper; and fanzines and mini comics created in the Southern Ontario region, particularly in the early 1970s.


Materiële staat

Directe bron van verwerving

Collection was donated by Art Cooper in September 2022.


Collection is arranged in three series:

Series 1: McMaster Campus Cinema Screening Posters.
Series 2: Additional Posters and Artwork.
Series 3: Fanzines and Mini Comics.

Taal van het materiaal

Schrift van het materiaal

Plaats van originelen

Beschikbaarheid in andere opslagformaten

Restrictions on access

No access restrictions.

Termen voor gebruik, reproductie en publicatie.


Associated materials

Related materials


Further accruals are expected.

Algemene aantekening

The Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board (CCPERB) has certified the oversize poster in series 2 entitled “Full page of original artwork for Tarzan Sunday edition, “The Deluge,” #263…” created by Hal Foster” as being of “outstanding significance.” This item received CCPERB certification in December 2023.

Alternative identifier(s)

Standard number area

Standaard nummer


Geografische trefwoorden

Naam ontsluitingsterm

Genre access points


Identificatie van het beschrijvingsrecord

Identificatiecode van de instelling

Regels of conventies


Niveau van detaillering

Datering van aanmaak, herziening of verwijdering

G. Dunks, 2023.

Taal van de beschrijving

Schrift van de beschrijving


Voorwaarden voor raadpleging en gebruik

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Related genres